CDCR Prison Victim-Offender Dialogue Program
The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) Prison Victim-Offender Dialogue Program involves a meeting between the person who was harmed and the person who caused the harm and is currently on parole or residing in a CA State prison.
This program is not mediation, and there is no agreement. It is an opportunity for those who have been affected by the crime to talk about what happened in a safe and controlled space. The purpose of this program is to empower victims and provide a space where they can be heard, and for the offenders to fully understand the effects of their actions.
This process is solely initiated at the request of the victim.
This service is available to victims and surviving family members of victims. To learn more about the CDCR VOD program visit the Victim Offender Dialogue page on the CDCR website.

Victims and Surviving family members of victims can request a dialogue. Offenders must be currently residing in a CA State Prison or on parole from a CA state Prison.
The process can take several months to complete. Facilitators meet with each party as many times as necessary to prepare them for a joint dialogue. The process is entirely driven by the victims or family members.
All VOD participants must go through a screening process conducted by the CDCR to determine eligibility and gate clearance if the dialogue takes place inside a facility.
Only victims or surviving family members may request a vod. If you need assistance making a request please contact us at info@sdrjmp.org, fill out our Contact Form, or call us at 619-280-1993.
Victims do not need to reside in CA, travel accommodations for the dialogue can be provided to those residing out of state.
Las víctimas y los familiares sobrevivientes deben comunicarse con la Oficina de Servicios para Víctimas y Sobrevivientes (OVSRS) del Departamento Correccional y de Rehabilitación de California 1-877-256-6877 o envíe un correo electrónico a victimservices@cdcr.ca.gov
También puede contactarnos si tiene alguna pregunta sobre este programa o necesita ayuda para solicitar este servicio al 619-280-1993.
Our Partnership with the CDCR and OVSRS
RJMP provides this service in partnership with the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) Office of Victim and Survivor Rights and Services (OVSRS).
The victim of crime, family member of a victim, or a witness who testified against the offender may request to be notified of a change to the custody status of the offender. A change in custody status includes release, death, escape, parole hearing (Victims/Victims’ family members only), transfer to another prison, contract, or scheduled execution. Requests can be made by completing the CDCR Form 1707 — Request for Victim Services.

Request a Dialogue
If you are a victim or a surviving family member, contact the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation Office of Victim and Survivor Rights and Services (OVSRS) and they will conduct an intake and determine the offender’s eligibility for participation.
Call the OVSRS at 877 256 6877, or email victimservices@cdcr.ca.gov. If you need help requesting a VOD from the CDCR, please email us at info@sdrjmp.org.