Case Study
In 2023, the Institute for Community Solutions published the Community Solutions to Justice Report, a statistical look into RJMP’s Victim Offender Dialogue Program and restorative justice practices by four other organizations in the United States.
CSJ Report by ICS
In 2023, the Institute for Community Solutions ran and compiled five Case Studies about restorative justice-focused programs into a single report, available on their website. The report details the benefits of community solutions over traditional justice, including faster case processing, reduced costs to communities, increased compliance with judgements, a higher perception of fairness, reduced recidivism, and more.
The CSJ Report explores the RJMP Victim-Offender Dialogue program in-depth, specifically the impact of VOD. VOD parental figures report that 91.5% of youth offenders who participate are not convicted again within a year, compared to the California average of 55.5%.
Check out an excerpt focused on RJMP below to learn more!